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Jana ALTMANOVA, La créativité lexicale dans la didactique du FLE. Le décodage des hapax comme exercice de motivation dans l’apprentissage du vocabulaire


Lexical Creativity and the Teaching of FFL. Decoding Hapax Legomena as a Motivational Task in Vocabulary Learning

The analysis presented in this article comes from teaching experience gained during a course in morphology and lexical semantics designed for second year Italian-speaking students. One of the course objectives is to advance the students’ knowledge of French morphology in order to facilitate vocabulary learning. As we shall try to demostrate, lexical creativity employed in the context of language learning can, despite their variable status, stimulate vocabulary learning and thus facilitate memorisation and the integration of the main formation rules in the creative process, since a non-native learner uses, broadly speaking, the same learning strategies as a native child in his/her early years. By analysing a corpus of hapax neologisms, the Italian-speaking learners were able to measure their morpho-semantic competence by composing and decomposing these neologisms in a “dynamic” way, as the result of a combinatory morphological process.

Per citare questo articolo:

Jana ALTMANOVA, « La créativité lexicale dans la didactique du FLE. Le décodage des hapax comme exercice de motivation dans l’apprentissage du vocabulaire », Repères DoRiF, n. 20 – Modèles linguistiques et cognitifs et didactique des langues, DoRiF Università, Roma, dicembre 2019,

ISSN 2281-3020

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