Louis BEGIONI, Stefan GENCARAU, Les implications de la culture métalinguistique dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères
The implications of metalinguistic culture in foreign language learning
We propose some reflections on the learning of grammar in foreign language didactics. Our approach will be based on some theoretical principles of Gustave Guillaume’s psychomechanics, which we will try to apply to foreign language learning/acquisition. This reference may be surprising. In fact the psychomechanics of language has shown little interest in acquisition processes and has only taken into account language didactics from the point of view of the functioning of linguistic mechanisms. Our approach is mainly based on the opposition Language/Discourse. It explains the role of the relationships between these two poles and highlights the interactions between the acquisition of metalinguistic mechanisms in the mother tongue and in the foreign language. Two pedagogical sequences concerning the acquisition of prepositions in Italian and Romanian by French learners are analysed.
Per citare questo articolo:
Louis BEGIONI, Stefan GENCARAU, « Les implications de la culture métalinguistique dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères », Repères DoRiF, n. 20 – Modèles linguistiques et cognitifs et didactique des langues, DoRiF Università, Roma, dicembre 2019, https://www.dorif.it/reperes/louis-begioni-stefan-gencarau-les-implications-de-la-culture-metalinguistique-dans-lapprentissage-des-langues-etrangeres/
ISSN 2281-3020
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