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Maria Isabel GONZÁLEZ-REY, Le processus de conscientisation dans la phraséodidactique d’une L2


The process of conscientization in L2 phraseodidactics

A didactic approach aiming at the full phraseological competence of learners of a mother tongue or foreign language (GONZALEZ-REY 2016) must be based necessarily, and from the start, on the awareness of this linguistic phenomenon (SOLANO RODRIGUEZ 2007). The development of this awareness, with regard to the prefabricated elements of language within the framework of what is known as language awareness (HAWKINS 1987), is the result of a procedure to be established, namely conscientization, which goes from awareness of these elements towards conscious phraseological competence. Therefore the present study will focus essentially on the notion of awareness as a paradigm of approach to the phraseological phenomenon in the phraseodidactics of a foreign language (L2), and then on the analysis of the procedure to be employed in this approach for the acquisition of an effective competence of phraseological units (PUs). In short, what we will seek to show is that awareness and competence are closely related in the acquisition of phraseology of a given language.

Per citare questo articolo:

Maria Isabel GONZÁLEZ-REY, « Le processus de conscientisation dans la phraséodidactique d’une L2 », Repères DoRiF, n. 18 – Phraséodidactique : de la conscience à la compétence, DoRiF Università, Roma, luglio 2019,

ISSN 2281-3020

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